
Pastors' Blog

Pastoral Reflections on May Expressions

May 2022

May is a favorite time of year for many. Why so? Great weather to enjoy. Great beauty to behold. Great friends to share it with. And, great optimism for the future. Here are a few popular expressions about May. Join me in reflecting on them and how they might relate to Calvary in May of 2022.

Living on Purpose

April 2022

Easter is around the corner! What a great time of the year to invite family, friends, and neighbors to Calvary. Be sure and check out our website to see what is happening at Calvary this Easter. Also, you can find these details later in this newsletter.

Togetherness is Vitally Important

March 2022

It’s March! The month when winter ends and spring begins. If you are like me, you are ready to embrace warmer weather, longer days, leaves on trees, flowers blooming, and an exciting college basketball tournament looming (go Hogs!). Needless to say, I like March and I like spring.

The Lifestyle of 1st Century Believers

February 2022

Recently, I’ve been reading an excellent book on Acts called Thirty Years that Changed the World by Michael Green.

Happy New Year

January 2022

Happy New Year to our Calvary family!

Perkins Give Thanks for Calvary

December 2021

As we find ourselves in the middle of this season of thankfulness, joy, and celebration, I want you to know from the bottom of my heart how thankful I am to have been a part of this church family for the past five and a half years.

Voted Best Place to Worship

AY Best of 2024

We are honored that Calvary Baptist was voted Best Place to Worship in AY Magazine's 2024 Best Of Reader's Poll.

Click here to see why our members love Calvary Baptist Church!