The Lord is working at Calvary and has blessed us with a growing, engaged membership of believers. In the past two years, we have seen 51 people join the church. Encouraged by these blessings, our Church Council developed a new strategic plan that seeks to identify God’s call on our ministries and programs.
Our five-year strategic plan is a ministry guide which will help us be more intentional, focused, and effective in accomplishing what God is leading us to do. The Disciple's Cross has been used as a guiding factor in developing ministry and program objectives.
The plan is structured around our vision/mission along with our key core values. These core values are prayer, family, discipleship, and missions. A category for building and stewardship was also added. Seventeen ministry directives were developed by the council. Specific goals and strategies for accomplishing the ministry directives were developed by committees, tasks force teams, and staff.
Every church member is challenged to engage and grow into fully-developed disciples, maturing in all aspects of the Disciples Cross. We expect this strategic plan will help us to more effectively accomplish our vision of being a praying church, a true and healthy intergenerational family of faith, a church that is living missionally both here and abroad, and a church that is truly making disciples who make disciples.
This plan is supported by the Going BOLD fund and our annual operating budget.
We welcome feedback and questions. This Q&A document might be helpful. You may also call our staff or submit a question through our contact tool below.