Paul’s Ministry in Corinth
Join us as we dive into Acts!
In this sermon, we will join Paul in 1st Century Corinth. What a lively and lascivious city Corinth was while serving as a major political, commercial, and religious center. Join us as we learn that 1st Century Corinth was full of bars, brothels, and host to numerous promiscuous dinner parties every night. Learn about this “sailor’s city” with not just one, but two thriving seaports. Imagine the famous Temple of Aphrodite, towering over the city on top of Corinth’s own acropolis. This temple served the Roman goddess of sexual love, and at one point had as many as 1,000 temple prostitutes. Sounds like a great place to plant a church, doesn’t it? And that is exactly what Paul and his missionary team do. They plant a church that ends up transforming its members and their city. Check out this sermon from Acts 18 to see how it happens.
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