The 9th Commandment: You Shall Not Give False Testimony (Ex. 20:16)
This sermon explores the importance of not giving false testimony against one’s neighbor.
This sermon explores the importance of not giving false testimony against one’s neighbor.
The 8th commandment prohibits God's people from stealing. By following the example of Jesus and looking at the spirit of this law, we see that all humans are prone to a heart of theft due to our recurrence to devalue God and devalue our fellow human beings.
The 7th Commandment prohibits adultery which can be defined as “sexual relations when one or more of the participants is married to someone else.”
The 6th commandment simply says “You shall not murder.” Many of us are tempted to read it and then quickly assume that we would never do such a thing.
The 5th Commandment tells us to honor our fathers and our mothers and serves as a “bridge passage” within the 10 Commandments by linking the commandments focused on loving God and the commandments focused on loving our neighbor.
The 4th Commandment involves remembering the Sabbath and keeping it holy. What exactly does this mean?